Statistics [in English]

The following slides include information concerning the most recent and complete Statistics on French Widescreen Cinema (1954-2009):
  • Evolution of the French Widescreen Film Production from 1954 to 2009
  • Widescreen Processes, Techniques and Trade Marks used in the French Cinema Industry
  • The French anamorphic and non-anamorphic Market
  • Film Genres of the French Widescreen Cinema
  • French Directors favoring the Widescreen Format

Key Words: Widescreen, CinemaScope, Franscope, Dyaliscope, Totalvision, Panavision, Technovision, Hawk Anamorphic, Super 35, 70mm

Sources: CNC, AFC, Le Film français, La Saison cinématographique, L'Annuel du cinéma, Répertoire général des films, Analyse des films, IMDb, Gary Palmer's Widescreen Lists

Reference: Olivier Rousseau, Les formats larges dans le cinéma français de fiction (1953-2000) : Histoire des techniques, production, exploitation, esthétique, Thèse de Doctorat, Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2007

N.B.: The French version of these statistics are located under the title "Colloque IMPACT" (top left).

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